Reflections from Head of School Scott Montgomery

In the Bible, when Joseph is reunited with his brothers (who had previously sold him into slavery), he says, “you meant evil against me, but God, meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20). The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 5:6-8 that, “Perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die, but God shows us His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Throughout the Bible, the words “but God” are encountered repeatedly, and for good reason; they should give each of us eternal hope and peace. In those two words, “but God” the gospel comes alive: But God’s love. But God’s peace. But God’s provision. Over the past several months, I have been continually reminded, “but God.”

Earlier this year, we thought enrollment would be down due to COVID-19, but God brought new students and families to our school. We were worried that COVID might significantly disrupt the school year, but God has allowed us to continue to meet in person. We thought we might experience a significant budget deficit, but God … In every instance when we thought there was an unmet need, God answered in unexpected and staggeringly beautiful ways. Since the start of the pandemic, God has shown Himself to be faithful, over and over, even when we doubted. Work, church, school,and so many other things, are different than they were pre-COVID, but God, continues to bless His school in unimaginable ways.

I’ve personally stopped trying to determine what God will do next as it relates to the pandemic – God will do what He will do. So rather than try to plan for what might happen, or worry about the future, I think it’s best if we turn our attention to helping our students learn to navigate this uncertain world we live in. Our efforts should help them see themselves as part of God’s plan and use the academic skills and Biblical knowledge they’ve learned at Heritage to bless and encourage others as well as explore their God-given talents in meaningful and authentic ways. What does that look like? I think it looks like:

  • Middle school students completing a unit on slavery, realizing that slavery still exists in our world, asking what they can do about it, and then, developing the HCS One Less Campaign to draw attention to the issue of human trafficking. You can check out their work on Heritage’s Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages by using the hashtag, #HCSOneLess.
  •  8th grade students taking a field trip to Colony Pumpkin Patch, using their algebra knowledge and problem solving skills to determine the yield of pumpkins grown per acre, analyzing the profit and loss statements of the pumpkin patch, and determining what future pricing should be to ensure a profit for the pumpkin patch.
  • Early elementary students exploring Creation in the “prairie” area in front of the school during recess and marveling at butterflies, crickets, and wildflowers instead of playing in other parts of the playground (many of you know that to avoid the potential spread of COVID we’re keeping our students in cohorts on the playground and not having them mix with other grades).

These learning experiences provide real life opportunities for students to explore concepts learned in class and practice living out their unique part in God’s redemptive story. These practices become habits, shaping who they are, how they interact with others around them, and – most importantly – allowing them to demonstrate God’s love to a hurting world.

It is my hope that our students learn through their experiences at Heritage to revel in the words, “but God.” In everything they experience: work and play, sweet and bitter, joy and sorrow, God is working for good (Rom. 8:28) and all that they will experience and enjoy in His presence (Psalm 16:11) is because of these two words: “but God.” I pray we continue to be a valued partner in the education of your children and that Heritage continues to be a part of this important Kingdom work.

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