6:30-7:15pm – New Family Orientation
- Meet in the gymnasium (This is for ALL families who are new to Heritage Christian School)
- K-8 New families are free to go after this segment
- Current families that have a Pre-K student coming in for the 2014-2015 school year do not have to attend this portion
7:15-8:00pm – Pre-K Orientation
- In Pre-K classrooms (This is for ALL PK families whether new or current
This is an informational meeting so it is probably best if students not attend. They are welcome, but childcare is not provided.
First full day of classes for Kindergarten-8th Grade and 5-day Pre-Kindergarten
What is Parent Open House?
Parent Open House is an evening designed just for parents. Classroom teachers prepare brief presentations (approximately 15 minutes) introducing themselves, outlining the classroom schedule, the curriculum, discipline, goals for the year, and other items helpful to parents. There is also time provided throughout the evening when individual parents can speak with their child’s teacher.
Do children attend?
Most parents do not bring children. Childcare is not provided and teachers are not required to have entertainment or activities ready for them.
What about Pre-K?
Pre-kindergarten teachers will not be giving a formal presentation but will be in the Pre-K classroom to meet with parents and answer any questions that families may have.
During each session, all teachers will be giving 15-20 minute presentations in their individual classrooms.
Session 1: 6:30-6:50pm
Session 2: 6:55-7:15pm
Session 3: 7:20-7:45pm