Update from the Board of Directors

Heritage Families and Friends,

We are so grateful that God has answered our prayers by providing Dr. Greg Gilbaugh to serve as our interim Head of School at Heritage for the 2022-23 school year.  The feedback that we have consistently received is that Dr. Gilbaugh is exactly who we needed to lead the school this year.

As the school year progresses, know that the Board along with teachers, staff, and a few parent volunteers, have been working diligently in the background.  Some of the top priorities and needs are:

 HOS Search for the 2023-24 school year and beyond

  • We continue to partner with CACE (Center for the Advancement of Christian Education) in searching for our next HOS. Thank you to all who participated in the recent survey and on site feedback sessions that CACE conducted.
  • Chris Stoakes has taken lead of the Search Committee. We will begin our review of candidates by early November and hope to narrow the applicant pool to our top candidates before conducting on site interviews/visits.  Teachers, staff, and parents will have an opportunity to meet with the finalists and provide feedback to the Board.


  • Heritage is up for re-accreditation with our current site visit due in the Spring of 2024.
  • We are in the early planning stages in this endeavor and are learning what the new Inspire accreditation protocol entails.
  • We will be identifying a person to take the lead for Accreditation and determining a firm timeline as well as seeking committee members for each of the Standards required for accreditation.

 EFE Banquet

  • With the recent transition on the Board, we will need help in determining what EFE will look like this school year.
  • We will need volunteers to help make EFE a success.

 Board Members

  • It’s never too early to make a call for potential Board members. The election will be at the ICACSA meeting in May.  There will potentially be 2 open seats for the upcoming election and the Board will be discussing the possibility of increasing the size of the Board as well.
  • Reminders will be sent out next year for applications. In the meantime, if you are interested in serving on the Board, please reach out to one of us, or simply come to our Board meetings to get a feel of what we do.

As I reflect on all that we will be called to do this school year, I am reminded of God’s provision and his sovereignty.  I am often convicted that I focus too much on what needs to be done, instead of focusing on God and learning (again) to simply Be Still and Abide.  I constantly need reminding that my responsibility ends with simply stewarding what God provides (gifts, talents, and resources).  The control of the outcomes is not a right that is mine.  God will take care of that.

As I make my plea to you, the Heritage Families and Supporters of the School, I am reminded of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians:

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27)

I ask that each of you not only continue to pray for Heritage, but that you seek God’s leading in how you might serve the entire body.  Each of you is uniquely gifted and each of you is needed to make the Body whole.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Liu

On behalf of the Board

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