7th & 8th Grade Creation Museum Trip
In April, our 7th & 8th graders were able to take a trip to Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. The objectives of taking this trip with our students is three-fold:
- First and foremost, we want our students to be able to deepen their relationship with God and come to know Him and love Him better.
- Additionally, we desire to foster a vibrant sense of community, deepening our relationships together. We want our students to know they are designed by God and created with a purpose. Doing “life” together for a few days allows our students to experience community and live out what it means to love others (Matt. 22:37-39).
- Finally, we want to provide a museum experience to support what is taught in History and Science with a biblical foundation.
During their time there, the students were able to explore the Creation Museum and enjoyed several shows, displays, and presentations. Several even got to meet Ken Ham, the founder of Answers In Genesis and the curator of the museum. They also participated in the ropes course which challenged our kids. We saw much encouragement and overcoming of fears. There was a lot of laughter too. It was sweet to see them all working together to get through the course. At the Ark Encounter they spent three hours walking through the Ark, taking in the displays, videos, and grandeur of this impressive, true-to-scale replica. There was a heavy emphasis on how the Ark is a symbol of God’s salvation for His people.
It was a fun couple of days learning and growing together and we’re grateful for all the donations and chaperones who helped make this trip possible!
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